The Quran's approach to Jewish and Christian exclusivism, and investigating its indication on the authority of monotheistic religions after the rise of Islam

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 PhD Student in Islamic Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran



"Exclusivism" is one of the oldest and most important approaches to the authority of religions. Based on exclusivism, only one religion can guarantee the guidance and well-being of its followers at a time. On the other hand, recent pluralists believe this theory cannot properly justify the divine guidance system. Besides the rational analysis of the reasons for exclusivists and pluralists, explaining the religions' opinions on this particular issue holds high levels of importance, and because Islam is the last divine religion, presenting its view on this issue is highly important. This research has attempted to examine the verses (of the Quran) that refer to the exclusivity of Jews and Christians and focus on its connection with the exclusivity of Islam. By the end, it is concluded that there is no connection between the negation of the exclusivity of other religions and the negation of the exclusivity of Islam and to either prove or deny it, other evidence should be referred to.


Main Subjects

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