Examining the Doctrine of Salvation in Origen’s Theology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Religions and Mysticism, Faculty of Theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Eastern Religions, PhD Candidate, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran



The topic of salvation in Christianity is one of the basic teachings mentioned both in the Bible and the tradition of the apostles; the works of the Church Fathers also addresses this topic. The fundamental principle in the doctrine of salvation among the Greek Fathers, in general, and Origen of Alexandria, in particular, is the  Christ himself. According to Origen, the plan of salvation was planned by the Heavenly Father and implemented by his only Son. Through repentance and baptism, the Christian believer is placed on the path of spiritual growth. By reflecting on the Holy Book, which is the truth of the Logos or the Son, and by persevering in acquiring spiritual knowledge, with the help of the Holy Spirit, he attains the grace of salvation. The final spiritual order on the path of salvation was unification and annihilation in the Logos, which is the soul of the world. Union with the Logos,  living in the manner of Christ and acquiring moral virtues constitute the Godliness which, in Origen's thought, is synonymous with salvation. Origen sees the mercy and love of the Heavenly Father as so vast and all-pervading that all creatures will eventually be redeemed. Perhaps the most important theory of Origen regarding salvation is the theory of “Universalism,” according to which even sinners and even devils will ultimately be saved. This theory that did not please the church and became one of the reasons for Origen's excommunication.


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