A Critical Review of the Relationship Between Reason and the Commitment Dimension of Faith from the Perspective of John Cottingham with Emphasis on the View of Allamah Tabataba'i

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Practical Hikmat, Iranian institute of philosophy, Tehran, Iran



John Cottingham, a contemporary English philosopher, has presented his view on the relationship between reason and the commitment aspect of faith in three parts: 1. The function of religious commitment in human moral life. 2. The compatibility between religious commitment and human autonomy; and 3. The distinct function of corroboration in religious commitment and empirical science. The following work evaluates Cottingham's view in the first two parts. In the first part, he considers the support of religious commitment and commitment to moral laws to be rooted in belief in God as the source of goodness. In the second part, using existentialist principles in the relationship between man and the world, he believes that man is not a self-created being and is in a situation over which he has had no influence. In such circumstances, surrendering to moral laws is not merely surrendering to the will of another, but is a conscious choice for one's own development. His view in these two parts can be examined in light of Allameh Tabataba'i's view. In the first part, based on Allameh Tabataba'i's philosophical foundations, a more comprehensive explanation can be proposed. However, regarding the second part, two points are noteworthy: first, his response to this issue is a standard statement in explaining the relationship between God and man, and second, the initial commitment to the same pillar of faith precedes action, rather than coming after it.


Main Subjects

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