Attenuation being one of the definitive teachings of the Qur'an in many verses are addressed.Verse "breath of Alamut taste" of Quranic gharar component in explaining the doctrine of faith and merit citations and references at the end of the Quran. A detailed explanation of the doctrine requires a response to at least four the nature، scope، and the process of death، based on the verse and the statement it is homogeneous. Outcome study showed that the two sects interpretations of the doctrine of the commentators، there is no single reading.The reason for this difference in interpretation of the impact of the default of the philosophical، anthropological، and literary interpretation of Scripture comes their way.I mentioned in response to questions، knowing the nature of death and destruction approach sees fit.AL-nafs In verse don't contains God' and man is just. It's just human body is death.Quran is silent about the death process.