Unity of Being in AllamehJafari’s perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Philosophy Professor in AllamehTabatabaei University

2 PHD Student in Azad university


Perhaps, “unity” and “truth” can be regarded as the most controversial topics in the area of theology, philosophy and theoretical mysticism. Meanwhile, there are lots of views and differences of opinion between theologians, philosophers and mystics to which many literatures are dedicated. Theologians and Peripatetic philosophers have voted separation (Beynoonat) of Creator and Creature; Eastern visionaries believe in some kinds of unity including multiplicity. By following Fahlavyoon and mystics, the founder of “Transcendental Wisdom” (Hekmat e Motalie) propounded the Tshkiki unity and then a kind of hypostatic unity of beings (vahdat e shakhsi), respectively. Mystics also regard the hypostatic unity of beings as the most accurate vote.  One of the contemporary thinkers, Professor Mohammad TaqiJafari, has also discussed this subject anywhere in his books, and apparently is in opposition to the hypostatic unity of being. In this article, we bring up and review his points of view as well as recognize his prospective on the "relationship between Creator and creature". We concluded that Professor Jafari's views have to be considered in two aspects. He cash the "Unity of Being" by pantheism looking in first position, while  in the second perspective view of his scientific life accept the Personal unity of being.


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