Explaining Mulla Sadra Philosophical Thought Method Principles

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MS graduate in Islamic philosophy of Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 assistant professor and member of the scientific board of philosophy department Allameh Tabataba'i University


Regarding Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin philosophical method, various opinions have been proposed from Sadra researchers, each of which monitors a part of Sadra’s philosophical method or it has paved a way which is different from Sadra’s method and transcendent theosophy orators expositions and it is sometimes converse. His four methodological principles, i.e. purposeful combination of three mystical resources of theosophy, Qur'an and the argument in one direction, using the above mystical sources in judgment and collection position, systematic and pluralistic using of predecessor thinkers opinions and the systematic using of three foundations: the nation’s opinion, the unity of skepticism existence and personal unity of the existence have been analyzed in this script by analyzing Sadra attitudes toward different mystical resources and investigating different aspects of Sadra dealing with philosophical issues.


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