The Ontology of the “Origin of Religious Disagreement and Plurality” and Its Epistemic Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Knowledge of the quiddity and origin of religious disagreements is highly effective on our theoretical and practical stance to the religious diversity question. However, as confessed by the formal sources of religion history, the question of religious origin and – consequently – religious disagreement goes back to pre-historic era and is beyond human thought. Nonetheless, the adoption of author-oriented realism to the noble Qur’ān can help attain recurrent and realistic reports about the first religious disagreements. Thus, this study set out to explore ontologically the first religious disagreements and the factors effective on their creation through a descriptive-analytical method in order to answer the question about the quiddity of religious disagreements that lead to religious multicity and then plurality as well as to determine their reason/origin. Based on the findings of this study, the reality of religious diversity is “religious disunity,” and the most important non-epistemic source of religious division is “social rebellion” that is based on individual non-epistemic factors such as corruption and tyranny (oppression), envy and supremacy-seeking (magnanimity) and whose epistemic factors are provided by the members of an influential and powerful group in the society. They do this in the form of pseudo-rational justifications derived from jaḥd (denial after knowledge) and shakākiyyat (doubt after knowledge) toward the epistemic principles of religion via the trick “distorting the criteria of rationality and knowledge.” This widespread ignorance is done against the divine will, rule, and satisfaction, but under God’s knowledge, destiny, and providence. The analysis of the foregoing perception is the presentation of theories about the truthfulness and saving capability of religions that – according to the recurrent realities of history – regard the gradation levels of the divine religion, is aligned with the intermediate position, and prescribes a dynamic and perfect religiosity.


Main Subjects

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