The main obstacles of realization of Religious State in Imam Ali's Era [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 515-544]
Arius and Arianism in the Christianity:
Grounds and Consequences [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-686]
Attributes of incomparability & of similarity
Impact of Grades of Existence in Appreciation of Divine Attributes as from the MullaSadra perspective" [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 461-482]
Philosophy of Parapsychology from viewpoint of Avesina [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 413-440]
Ayatollah Maleki Mianji
A comparative study of innate knowledge of God from the perspective of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer Maleki Mianji and John Calvin [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 197-226]
Arius and Arianism in the Christianity:
Grounds and Consequences [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-686]
Divinity in View of Ᾱlvārs [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 155-174]
Unity of Being in AllamehJafari’s perspective [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 831-854]
Creation of Son
Arius and Arianism in the Christianity:
Grounds and Consequences [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-686]
Discovery and Intuition Position in Religious Knowledge System and Its Reality-Show Criterion in Islam Mystics' View [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 87-110]
Impact of Grades of Existence in Appreciation of Divine Attributes as from the MullaSadra perspective" [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 461-482]
Impact of Non-Epistemic Elements on Knowledge in Zagzebski’s View [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 623-652]
Empirical Ethics
A Critical Study of the Descriptive Evolutionary Ethics and the Empirical Ethics [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 737-768]
Princioals of human dignity in vies of Imam Khomeini [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 131-154]
Examining the secular ethics philosophy and the methodology of its contrariety with the religious ethics [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 341-374]
The transition from ethics to religion in German idealism [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 441-460]
Evolution Theory
A Critical Study of the Descriptive Evolutionary Ethics and the Empirical Ethics [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 737-768]
Existential gradiaton
Impact of Grades of Existence in Appreciation of Divine Attributes as from the MullaSadra perspective" [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 461-482]
The ShahidSani` view about nature of faith(according to "HaghaeghAl`iman" book) [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 291-316]
The relationship between intellect and faith as viewed by Mulla Sadra with emphasis on Sharh osool Kafi and Mafatih ul ghayb [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 375-412]
Field Theory
The Study of William James Views on the Possibility of Personal Immortality Based on Eugene Fontinell’s points of view [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 61-86]
Foundamental Evolutions of the Concept of “Infinite Essence” [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 593-622]
The main obstacles of realization of Religious State in Imam Ali's Era [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 515-544]
Criticism of Functional Approach in Religious Study [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 317-340]
The transition from ethics to religion in German idealism [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 441-460]
Ibn Sina
Semantic considerations in explaining the unity or difference of concepts of attributes of God from the perspective of Avicenna and Mulla Sadra [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 259-290]
The transition from ethics to religion in German idealism [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 441-460]
Imam Ali
The main obstacles of realization of Religious State in Imam Ali's Era [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 515-544]
Foundamental Evolutions of the Concept of “Infinite Essence” [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 593-622]
The relationship between intellect and faith as viewed by Mulla Sadra with emphasis on Sharh osool Kafi and Mafatih ul ghayb [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 375-412]
Compare justice of Islam and utilitaranism [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 111-130]
The ShahidSani` view about nature of faith(according to "HaghaeghAl`iman" book) [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 291-316]
Islamic Philosophy
Efficiency of solutions of Muslim philosophers and theologians in reply to practical problem of evil [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-28]
Divinity in View of Ᾱlvārs [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 155-174]
Divinity in View of Ᾱlvārs [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 155-174]
John Calvin
A comparative study of innate knowledge of God from the perspective of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer Maleki Mianji and John Calvin [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 197-226]
Compare justice of Islam and utilitaranism [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 111-130]
The main obstacles of realization of Religious State in Imam Ali's Era [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 515-544]
The transition from ethics to religion in German idealism [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 441-460]
Kant's moral argument
The Sorley's moral argument for the existence of God and response to Kant's incorporation basis of natural and moral realm [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 29-60]
The main obstacles of realization of Religious State in Imam Ali's Era [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 515-544]
Keywords: Toleration, Permissivism, Indulgence, Leniency, Islamic mysticism toleration
The Conceptual Intricacy of Toleration [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 545-566]
Discovery and Intuition Position in Religious Knowledge System and Its Reality-Show Criterion in Islam Mystics' View [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 87-110]
Impact of Non-Epistemic Elements on Knowledge in Zagzebski’s View [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 623-652]
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
The Sorley's moral argument for the existence of God and response to Kant's incorporation basis of natural and moral realm [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 29-60]
Mula Sadra
Intellectual Virtues (by Focusing On Epistemic Function
Of Religius Belief Acquiring Ability [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 483-514]
Mulla sadra
Semantic considerations in explaining the unity or difference of concepts of attributes of God from the perspective of Avicenna and Mulla Sadra [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 259-290]
Mulla sadra
The relationship between intellect and faith as viewed by Mulla Sadra with emphasis on Sharh osool Kafi and Mafatih ul ghayb [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 375-412]
Mulla sadra
Impact of Grades of Existence in Appreciation of Divine Attributes as from the MullaSadra perspective" [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 461-482]
Mulla sadra
Explaining Mulla Sadra Philosophical Thought Method Principles [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 855-884]
Nālāyīra dīvīya Prabandham
Divinity in View of Ᾱlvārs [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 155-174]
Normative Ethics
A Critical Study of the Descriptive Evolutionary Ethics and the Empirical Ethics [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 737-768]
Philosophy of Parapsychology from viewpoint of Avesina [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 413-440]
Permanent Archetypes
Impact of Grades of Existence in Appreciation of Divine Attributes as from the MullaSadra perspective" [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 461-482]
Personal Identity
The Study of William James Views on the Possibility of Personal Immortality Based on Eugene Fontinell’s points of view [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 61-86]
Personal Immortality
The Study of William James Views on the Possibility of Personal Immortality Based on Eugene Fontinell’s points of view [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 61-86]
Intellectual Virtues (by Focusing On Epistemic Function
Of Religius Belief Acquiring Ability [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 483-514]
Plantinga and rationality of Theism [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 721-736]
Practical reason
The relationship between intellect and faith as viewed by Mulla Sadra with emphasis on Sharh osool Kafi and Mafatih ul ghayb [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 375-412]
Divinity in View of Ᾱlvārs [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 155-174]
Professor Ja'fari
Unity of Being in AllamehJafari’s perspective [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 831-854]
Qur'an and the argument
Explaining Mulla Sadra Philosophical Thought Method Principles [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 855-884]
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
Plantinga and rationality of Theism [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 721-736]
Examining the secular ethics philosophy and the methodology of its contrariety with the religious ethics [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 341-374]
The transition from ethics to religion in German idealism [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 441-460]
Religious Ethics
Examining the secular ethics philosophy and the methodology of its contrariety with the religious ethics [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 341-374]
Religious Morality
A Critical Study of the Descriptive Evolutionary Ethics and the Empirical Ethics [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 737-768]
Semantic considerations in explaining the unity or difference of concepts of attributes of God from the perspective of Avicenna and Mulla Sadra [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 259-290]
Shari'a (Islamic Law)
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
Shi'a mysticism
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
Sorley's moral argument
The Sorley's moral argument for the existence of God and response to Kant's incorporation basis of natural and moral realm [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 29-60]
Soul(mind) creation
Study of the intellectual and textual proofs for the theory of the synchrony of the creation of soul and body from the perspective of Mulla Sadra and eariy imamiyah thinkers [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 687-720]
Tawhid (oneness of God)
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
The Council of Nicae a
Arius and Arianism in the Christianity:
Grounds and Consequences [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-686]
The end of the Quran
The Qur'an and the doctrine of the Non death of the soul [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 769-794]
The hypostatic unity of being(vahdat e shakhsi)
Unity of Being in AllamehJafari’s perspective [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 831-854]
The moral argument for the existence of God
The Sorley's moral argument for the existence of God and response to Kant's incorporation basis of natural and moral realm [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 29-60]
The main obstacles of realization of Religious State in Imam Ali's Era [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 515-544]
Efficiency of solutions of Muslim philosophers and theologians in reply to practical problem of evil [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-28]
Theoretical Reason
The relationship between intellect and faith as viewed by Mulla Sadra with emphasis on Sharh osool Kafi and Mafatih ul ghayb [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 375-412]
Theory of compensation
Efficiency of solutions of Muslim philosophers and theologians in reply to practical problem of evil [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-28]
The practical problem of evil
Efficiency of solutions of Muslim philosophers and theologians in reply to practical problem of evil [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-28]
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
Foundamental Evolutions of the Concept of “Infinite Essence” [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 593-622]
Arius and Arianism in the Christianity:
Grounds and Consequences [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-686]
Unseen World (Ghaib)
The relationship between intellect and faith as viewed by Mulla Sadra with emphasis on Sharh osool Kafi and Mafatih ul ghayb [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 375-412]
Wilayah (authority)
Shi'a Mysticism and its attributes [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-258]
Impact of Non-Epistemic Elements on Knowledge in Zagzebski’s View [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 623-652]
Intellectual Virtues (by Focusing On Epistemic Function
Of Religius Belief Acquiring Ability [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 483-514]
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